Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If we never meet again

Dear M,

If you’ve found this letter, chances are, I am no more.
I guess you are surprised to find a letter addressed to yourself that’s never been sent to you. Well it was never meant to be sent. Just found like you’ve found it now.

I sort of believed that my things will remain here, as I had left them, after I go. (just can’t get myself to say ‘dead’) Till the day you decide to sort them, and me, out of your life. Then you’ll find this here.

And you have.

Hello my love.

I love you. Still do. Always will

I just don’t ever want to go away without telling you this. Although I hope I’ve said it a million times to you by now.
But like a smoker the last one is the most important. And can’t quit without it.

Hence the letter.


Mohan (name changed), read the letter once again. He had found it amongst her clothes. Carefully kept under the old newspaper that lined the shelf. It was inside a white envelope addressed to him. At first he was startled to see it there. Naturally, curiosity took over, he opened it.

Why had she written it? Was it some kind of an intuition? She was always very particular about goodbyes. Especially, after their fight. That particular fight.

It happened long ago. They were seeing each other and had a fight in office. Later in the evening, he had dropped her home and sped off on his bike without saying a word. Without saying bye.

They did not make up that night over the phone. Each too proud. And each too secure in the knowledge that there’s always tomorrow.

The very next day he left for an outdoor assignment. They could not meet. Not for ten whole days. A grain of sand in the sea of time. But when you are in love, every moment apart seems like eternity in a dry dead desert.

The pride died pretty quickly thereafter. And like lovers often do, they called each other to speak till wee hours. Later they laughed, that month MTNL must have announced an unscheduled bonus.

An aircraft passed overhead.

It was 3 pm her plane must have taken off for Mumbai. She had called him to say bye. He was in a meeting and had promised to call back. But forgot.


divya said...

I think u are taking it too seriously. Tis fiction.

Musings said...

And how often it has been left unsettled with a million hope that this shall get over & hoping against hope that this is not way of life..probably..This too shall pass!

write_off said...

Hey Divya, I am sitting a few steps away but can't walk over right now because of a heavy heart to tell you how well this is written.

divya said...

Ranjan! That you like it means most to me.

machu.picchu said...

touching and nicely put. but i hope this story is never repeated.

divya said...

All stories have some basis in truth so I dunno abt the repeat bit but perhaps its a fragment of the past